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Showing posts from March, 2022

Adrenal Failure - The Beginning

About 25 years ago, in 1996 to be exact, my life and health took a sudden and drastic turn. I was the picture of perfect health, living my life to the fullest, taking life for granted, being young and invincible when I started experiencing repeated episodes of every type of minor ailments imaginable such as strep throat, upper respiratory infections, bladder infections, colds, sinusitis, ear infections, excruciating headaches, and visual disturbances. Nothing life-threating, just everyday illnesses that gave a clue that my immune system was not working at full capacity.  This was out of the ordinary for me. I rarely got sick although I do have a health history related to my traumatic birth. I didn't think much of it at the time. Again, I was young and healthy, and had no reason to believe that anything could be seriously wrong with my health. I made many visits to my doctor who also was not concerned. He would treat the problem and send me on my way. As this pattern continued, I be